I didn't realize these declared  "special days" could have such an effect ones psyche.  I dreamt my son came home.  I was so happy!!! I cried and hugged him, telling him I missed him sooo much....then I woke up.  Life sucks at times.  Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there.
Today is a fantastic day for a hike; clear blue sky with a high of 27 degrees celcius.  Hence, a drive to visit the Cheltenham Badlands in Calendon, and the hamlet of Belfountain.  Well, was much of a hike for the serious hikers, but I did manager to get some nice shots of the area.  There was a bit of reminiscing here as well, as Belfountain was a favourite destination many years ago when we lived in Mississauga.  During the summer months, the ice cream parlors are extremely popular in Belfountain, coupled with the visit to the conservation area close by.  Yes indeed, a fine day for a stroll or a hike.