It is presently -5oC with a clear blue sky, it is a gorgeous morning in Toronto!!!  This is also a special weekend, as it is our son's birthday tomorrow.  What we would normally do is go up to Peterborough to see him.  Yeah, we have our usual "where would you like to go" bit.  He loves going to a particular japanese restaurant the last few times we saw him.  He doesn't know it, but we love it when he regale us with stories of the restaurants and dives where he and his friends went to...for us he becomes the foodie in the area know where not to go.  For myself, I love hearing the stories of what he has been up vicariously through him, and for that little while, discarding all the cares and worries of the day.  I don't think I ever told him about this...wish I had.  As the saying goes, hind site is always 20/20 vision.

Well son, in case you are able to read this one day....happy birthday, and regardless of what you believe, your mom and I thinks of you everyday.  Sometimes we smile with our memories of you, and yes, sometimes we cry feeling our loss.  We are going out today to celebrate your birthday, as usual we, talk about you.
Love you son.