I've recalled a discussion with my friend Miraine about possessioning and mediumship after seeing episodes of medium on tv. The discussion was around if all spirits tapped into by mediums do not wish their living conduits harm.  I've always held the position that if such is the case, why would practicioners of the art bring up their protective shields prior to contact.  It's been four years since that conversation, and then yesterday, I happen to run across a posting on depossessioning on the Psyche website.  On a post by David Lang, he put forth from a shaman's point of view, the possession can occur by spirit beings of power, not of human origin.  These being are commonly referred to as demons by western culture.  He also mentioned he does not like using the label "evil" as they are not evil any more than a tiger is evil, but they are dangerous.  This was backed up by another posting by Christine C, who stated when channeling, it would be naive to assume all spirits are kind and loving.  She stated even "they" have their own agenda.

Not too long ago, I had a discussion with my son who is studying indigenous cultures and beliefs.  I stated my positioning when it came to the spirit side of the discussion, whether it be shamanism or wicca, that there is no point in going by strictly a label.  The bottom line is, if there is an entity which wishes you harm (from one's own perspective) then, such entities must be avoided.  I liken this to the fact that only a moron would walk up to a hungry lion and say "here kitty, kitty, kitty" without the distinct possibility of being its dinner.  In the end, a take on any situation is to decide if need warrants putting yourself at risk...to be something or someone else food, as THEY also are required to see to their needs and follow their nature, be they jungle cats, humans or whatever.

It's been at least three years since I've visited the Souvlaki Hut in Clarkson Village, Mississauga.  It's funny as time goes by, we have fond memories of places visit and associated feelings for them.  While living in Mississauga, this particular Souvlaki Hut (before it became a franchise three years ago) was the family's favourite greek restaurant.  We tried other greek restaurants, but somehow, we always returned to this restaurant.  Food is still good, the present manager has been in place for three years and the cook was quite engaging.  Spoke about the situation in Egypt and the Middle East, and Spain...and some of the social/econo status.  Memory lanes.......
It's been a long day...tiring with many issues.  It is good to get home, enjoy some quiet time and reflect on the day.  Mind you, sometimes it best to forget the day's events.  The problem with getting into a reflective mood is ones thought turn to my favourite son (actually my only son)...I miss him.
It is a gorgeous winter wonderland!  First thought was of those beautiful Christmas cards I use to love looking at as a kid, no thought to snarled traffic, slippery sidewalks, shoveling after the snowfall.  Just a sense of wonder and to admire the beautiful landscape for a few minutes...then the mundane thoughts kick in.
Well, Happy New Year.  This is a time really for reflection, a time to look back to last year and think about what we have done right - hopefully a lot, and what we might have done differently if given a chance.  Yuletide celebration, which we tend to forget at times, is a time to forgive past transgression.  This piece is hard to fathom by many young folks, for them it is still a time for celebrations, parties etc.  This comes with maturity.  We wish for those who have a personal axe to grind, whether it's real or not, to come to this understanding quickly as time moves on and we may not have the opportunity to express forgiveness to the individuals.  That would be a heavier burden to carry, I suppose.